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7201 Metro Blvd Suite 900, Edina, MN 55439

Misclassification Risk Analysis

How often is the worker given instructions on how to complete their job?
Is the worker formally evaluated? (annual reviews/quarterly reviews, etc)
Is the worker trained?
Does the worker follow a dress code?
Do their expenses get reimbursed?
Which annual document is given to the worker?
Does the worker use their own supplies? (tools, personal computer, etc.)
Do you apply the same pay rate for similar services to contractors vs employees?
Did the worker receive an employee handbook?
Is there a written contract between the business and the worker?
Does the worker receive employee benefits?
Is there an end date to the contract with the worker?
Is the worker on the business’s workers’ compensation policy?
Is the worker part of an employee recognition program?

Question 1 of 14

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